She’s Alive!!
I started in on an idea a couple of years ago now, and it’s had several false starts. I still daydream about writing the screenplay
I started in on an idea a couple of years ago now, and it’s had several false starts. I still daydream about writing the screenplay
The stress of all things has been picking away at my sanity for the last two months, and I was at a breaking point. Luckily,
You ever just been stuck? I have so many stories sitting around half-written, outlined, or just a titled folder on my desktop to remind me
The end of the year is approaching quickly, and I have a few things I really want to finish up before we make it to
I’m not even sure where to begin… The last two years have been filled with fits and starts when it comes to writing. I sat
I find that these two words are prevalent in my life here this month. I’ve struggled recently to find The Drive to write anything, or
Well, here it is! I think it’s great but also a work in progress. I’m doing my best to make this thing more user friendly,
I feel like I’ve been a writer my entire life. I remember as a kid making up stories and putting them down on paper and reading them to my parents (I was also a performer), waiting to watch their reaction to the journey I’d placed before them.
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